  • Last update: 11/16/2023, 10:16 am, added table with time slots for final project presentation 

CSC751 Semantic Web



Time Thursday 11/30 Tuesday 12/05
11:00 - 11:15 am Chris Tony & Julio
11:15 - 11:30 am Nicolas
11:30 - 11:45 am Jamie
11:45 - 12:00 pm Satyarth
12:00 - 12:15 pm Sunity



  1. Introduction: General introduction
  2. Basic introduction into Logic
  3. XML, RDF, RDFS, OWL  
  4. Understanding: DL and Automated Reasoning with OWL
  5. SPARQL: Protocol and RDF Query Language
  6. Ontology Engineering


    1. Assignment 1: Semantic Web and its technologies
    2. Assignment 2: OWL ontology creation  
    3. Assignment 3: ALC tableaux algorithm


    Papers and other material

    1. The Semantic Web (original article)

    2. Semantic Web revisited

    3. A new look at the Semantic Web

    4. 15 years of Semantic Web: An incomplete survey

    5. A review of the Semantic Web (ACM article 2021)

    6. Protégé OWL Tutorial, and a Tutorial by Fabio Papacchini

    7. CO-ODE Tools

    8. List of Description Logic Reasoners (e.g. HermiT, FaCT++, Konclude, Pellet, Racer, PAGOdA)

    9. Installation instructions OWL-API, simple example, install src maven, install eclipse,
      New to OWL-API? How do I start tutorial

    10. Papers about tableau(x) calculus: Hyper Tableaux Calculus with Equality (2008). The Hyper Tableaux Calculus with Equality and an Application to Finite Model Computation (2010, JLogComp 20:1), Hypertableau reasoning for description logics (2009, JAIR 36:1)


    Potential final projects
    Every participants is expected to present a final project at the end of the semester. We strongly recommend that the project is chosen related to your research interests. Following is a list of several of our suggestions:

    1. An authoring of an ontology and a discussion about potential applications.
    2. Question-Answering system based on Semantic Web technologies (theoretical, or an application).
    3. Probabilistic ontology; how can an ontology be useful in noisy situations.
    4. Knowledge Engineering meets data-driven approaches (top-down, bottom-up).
    5. (Deep) Learning from data; Formal Concept Analysis, Bayesian and Markov networks.
    6. Statistical relational learning.
    7. Distributed semantics; when there are billions of triples, potential ways to do better inferencing and querying.
    8. Different performance comparisons on reasoners, triple stores, etc. and surveys.
    9. Ontology visualization or justification visualization.
    10. Survey on algorithms etc. related to reasoning, justification etc.
    11. Any other project that is relevant to Semantic Web (please come and talk to us).


    Project Proposal (Due Date: October 12th) 

    Class projects must be done individually. The project proposal should contain the following information:

    1. The project proposal should be at most two pages.
    2. It should be written using LNCS template. Word, LATEX2ε. Please submit a pdf file.
    3. The following information should be present in the proposal:
      1. Title.
      2. Domain or dataset.
      3. The main idea. Please write at least three paragraphs to explain it. (i) Design and (ii) Tools, APIs, or programs you need to write in order to implement the solution.
      4. Related work. Please list at least three related papers.
      5. References.



    Some say that the Internet understands people ... others say the Internet will never understand people ...

    We don't know what will happen but one thing is clear: the Internet - and especially the functions and methods that we use on an everyday basis - has changed to the better over the past decade. One reason for this is a technology that can be subsumed under the buzzword "Semantic Web".

    The Semantic Web, in which meaning is made explicit, allows machines to process and integrate web resources intelligently. Beyond enabling quick and accurate web search, this technology may also allow the development of intelligent agents and facilitate communication between a multitude of heterogeneous web-accessible devices.

    Course objective
    We will examine this exciting field throughout this course by learning principles, concepts, and tools such as XML, RDF, OWL, RuleML. Our task will be to attempt a synthesis out of the existing technical material and to discuss relations to classical CS fields, such as formal languages, database theory, knowledge representation, etc.

    Instructor’s name
    Dr. Ubbo Visser
    Office: Ungar Building, Room No 330A
    Phone: 305-284-2254
    Email: (preferred especially if mail contains any attachment)
    Office Hours: by appointment

    Contact Hours
    Each week there are two 75 minutes sessions (TuTR 11:00am - 12:15pm)
    Classroom: UB-3rd floor conference room
    Recommended Text Book
    Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies by Pascal Hitzler, Markus Krötzsch and Sebastian Rudolph, CRC Press, Link to publisher’s web site


    Course Content
    An overview of the underlying semantic web technologies. Ontology construction and implementation using tools and APIs (logic, XML, RDF,  RDFS, ontologies, reasoning). Theoretical and practical aspects of knowledge representation (description logic, RDF, RDFS, SPARQL, SROIQ(D), reasoning).Designing and debugging ontologies (ontology engineering, entailment tools, project). Course material contains material from various sources. It will be uploaded before the lecture as .pdf files. Check regularly.

    This sections provides the topics that will be covered during the semester. We have divided the topics into three sections: Part 1 (Introduction), Part 2 (Understanding) and Part 3 (Design). In Part 1, we will introduce Semantic Web and technologies. We will also provide a quick overview of the underlying technologies so that students get early hands on experiences with ontology construction and implementation using tools and APIs. In Part 2, we will provide theoretical and practical aspects of knowledge representation. In Part 3, we will talk about designing and debugging of ontologies. At the end of the course, participants are expected to present a project related to Semantic Web technologies.

    Part 1 (Introduction)

    1. Introduction to Semantic Web/ontologies/applications/research
    2. Basic introduction to logic
    3. Fast overview of DL/IRI/XML/RDF/RDFS/Ontologies/Reasoning (to get started  with implementation using Protege, Jena API and OWL API) 

    Part 2 (Understanding)

    1. Description logic basics
    3. Ontologies SROIQD
    4. Basic reasoning

    Part 3 (Design)

    1. Ontology engineering/justification/entailment tools
    2. Project week


    Final project 60% and assignments 40% plus optional extra credits.

    Scoring of Homework Assignments
    There will be n mandatory assignments. These assignments are mostly based on the papers, chapters and sections available in the required reading section. Problems will be either theoretical or implementation-based (using ontology tools or API’s). In addition to this, there will be an optional extra credit problem for the determine students. Assignments have variable due dates, and the due dates are available in course web site. The score of each homework will be mentioned in it.

    Class attendance and participation

    Class attendance is not mandatory, although the final project will depend heavily of the lectures. Not all of the material will come from the text. Class participation is also mandatory. However, active interest in lectures is the easiest way to learn.

    The penalty for copied homework of any kind can be immediate failure in the course.
    My policy on programs is as follows: There is no reason for two (or more) people handing in identical or nearly identical programs. We will regard such programs as either group-written or simply copied. If we have no hard evidence of copying, such programs will receive NO credit. More serious actions will be taken in cases where there is evidence of cheating.

    Late submissions
    Unless otherwise stated, assignments will lose 20% of their value for each weekday (Monday through Friday) that they are late. The due date of a program is the latest date on which it can be run to get full credit.

    Dropping the course
    Unless there are extreme extenuating circumstances, we will not allow anyone to drop a course after the drop date. Poor academic performance will never be an acceptable reason for a late drop.

    Unless there has been a documentable illness that caused you to miss substantial amounts of class and computer time, we will not give an incomplete grade in this course. Therefore, please do NOT waste our time asking about an incomplete grade unless you have a remarkably good reason.

    Make-up exams
    We do not give make-up exams. You simply must show up and take them at the specified times.