INSTALL This document provides instructions to install that contains an Apache Jena (Java) based SPARQL query development environment. 1. Download from the course web page. 2. Download Maven 3.3.1 from 3. Unzip 4. Set up Maven 3.3.1 in your environment. 5. Go to where you unzipped 6. Run the command "mvn clean install" (without double quotes) to download the necessary dependencies. If this is the very first time you issue this command, it will take a while (about a 50 seconds) to download all the dependencies. 7. Download "Intellij IDEA" Java community edition IDE from "". This is free. If you have a license, you could use the ultimate edition. 8. You also need Java SE Development Kit 7u76 from Oracle. 9. From your source directory, run "mvn idea:idea" to generate the project files. This will generate three files "jenaPelletArq.iml", "jenaPelletArq.ipr", and "jenaPelletArq.iws". 10. Start IDEA using "" in its "bin" directory and set up JDK. 11. Open jenaPelletArq.ipr 12. Locate "" file. In line 23: set the location of the owl file. Right click and select "run 'Main.main()'". The default is setup for familyrdf.owl owl file. 13. You can use the gui to execute SPARQL queries. 14. If you are an avid Eclipse user; use the command "mvn eclipse:eclipse" to generate Eclipse project files. See Maven documentation to generate project files to other IDEs. If you may need further assistant, please contact Dr. Ubbo Visser ( or Saminda Abeyruwan (