REU: Computing for Structure

Top Left to Right: Lemuel, Rachel, Sophia, Cole, Masa
Bottom Left to Right: Kavya, Mariangeline, Yash (hidden), Delaney, Aaron, Elliot

Project News

REU Program

Monday, 22 May
Boot camp begins in the Ungar Building Computer Science Laboratory.
Thursday, June 1
First day of the mentored experience, at the mentor's laboratory.
Friday, July 28
Virtual Poster Presentation and Project Conclusion.

Project Summary

Computing for Structure is an NSF Funded Research Experience for Undergraduates, created and directed by the University of Miami Department of Computer Science and Center for Computational Science.

The P.I. for the REU is Prof. Rosenberg of the Computer Science Department, but the real work went to the many mentors, listed as co-authors of the student presentations. These mentors were drawn from across the university, and volunteered to mentor the participants.

Our 2023 REU student researchers,

Poster Day

The REU experience concluded with a poster presentation and closing ceremonies, on Friday, July 28, 2023 at the lobby of the Cox Science Center.

There was a judged competition for the top presentations:

A special mention and gift was given to mentor Prof. Vanessa Aguiar-Pulido for her exceptional dedication and effort to this year's REU.

Boot Camp:

The Boot Camp Sessions are 9:30am– 4:00pm "Miami Time"", in Ungar 305.

The workshop Jupyter notebook are on


Special Continuations:

As we plan this years Boot Camp, Special Continuations, and Professional Development Workshops, please visit the last year's page for and idea of what we will plan for this year.

Texas Advanced Computing Center

Software Carpentry Workshop:


Computational Chemistry
Prof. Orlando Acevado
Neural Networks
Prof. Odelia Schwartz
Xu Pan
Prof. Daniel Messinger
Laura Vitale, Research Staff
Data Sciences
Prof. Vanessa Aguiar-Pulido
Nicolas Echevarrieta Catalan, Researcher
Alicia Bilbao Martinez
Shengxin Luo
Sophia Zorek
Data Sciences
Prof. Dilip Sarkar
Nathaniel Dean

With help from:

Poster Judges
Victor Milenkovic, Department of Computer Science, UM

Department of Computer Science
Prof. Milenkovic, Chair Computer Science
Ms. Ebony Gallagher, Department Manager

University of Miami Institute for Data Science and Computing
Dr. Tsinoremas, Director iDSC
Pedro Davila

Software Carpentry: Scientific Computer @ UM.
Timothy Norris
Cameron Riopelle
Thilani Samarakoon
Gabriel Odom
Julian Dallmeier

Office of Research
Tracy Ehrlich

Housing and Travel
Diego Rodriguez, Travel
Wendy Villeta, Conference Services


We take you behind the scenes at the photoshoot of the banner picture. Watch as Laura bravely corrals REU students into a group photo!

Left to right towards top: Mariangeline, Yash, Rachel, Sophia, Cole, Masa
Bottom ad left of screen: Delaney, Aaron, Elliot, Kavya, Lemuel (and Laura setting up)

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation

The NSF has set up the REU program in order to involve students in meaningful ways in ongoing research programs so as to attract talented students into careers in science and engineering.

Support for the program REU Site: Scientific Computing for Structure in Big or Complex Datasets is by the NSF grant CNS-1949972, program solicitation NSF 13-582, Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU).