Qualification material


We have published software in the past that has been shown to be reusable by the communities of the respective projects. For instance, HapFACS [1], has been cited 15 times and has shown promising involvement in various projects. Furthermore, we have published RLLib [2] a framework for reinforcement learning in 2015. It garnered attention when presented at RoboCup Symposium and has been used in at least one piece of research on malware detection by Bidoki et. al. [3]. We plan to create modular, sustainable and reusable open-source packages based on the research we conduct with the Toyota HSR robot in the same manner as we have done in the past. A docker file with a deploy-ready git repository from 2021 is also available [4].

  1. Reza Amini and Christine Lisetti. Hapfacs: An open source API/software to generate FACS-based expressions for ECAS animation and for corpus generation. In Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2013 Humaine Association Conference on, pages 270–275. IEEE, 2013.
  2. Saminda Abeyruwan and Ubbo Visser. RLLib: C++ library to predict, control, and represent learnable knowledge using on/off policy reinforcement learning. In Robot Soccer World Cup IXX, pages 356–364. Springer, 2015, Repository URL: RLLib++.
  3. Bidoki, Jalili, and Tajoddin] Seyyed Mojtaba Bidoki, Saeed Jalili, and Asghar Tajoddin. Pbmmd: A novel policy based multi-process malware detection. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 60:57–70, 2017.

  4. Dockerfile: https://github.com/robocanes/wrs2020-robocup-challenge.