Data Structures and Algorithms: Laboratory Tasks

The lab tasks are due by 6:15pm on the date indicated. When you (think you) have completed a lab task, place the solution files into a directory called MTH517/LabTaskN off your home directory, where N is the lab task number. If you are in a lab session, tell the teaching assistant and it will be assessed during the lab session if possible. You will receive feedback, and if your work is not perfect you can improve it and resubmit before the due time. If you cannot come to a lab session, send an email to the teaching assistant, saying which lab task you have finished. If you send the email before the end of the Monday lab session, your work will be taken from the corresponding directory and assessed immediately after the Monday lab session. You will receive feedback by email, and if your work is not perfect you can improve it and resubmit before the due time. If you send the email after the end of the Monday lab session your work will be assessed at some later stage, i.e., you may not get the opportunity to improve the work based on feedback. If you do not tell or email the instructor or teaching assistant then you lab task will not be assessed.

The percentage value of each lab task is indicated with the task. The total of your marks, upto a maximum of 15%, contributes to your overall assessment.

Answers will be posted in some cases.

Lab Task Due Date Task Section Value
1 1st Feb Implementing a Boolean ADT ADTs and C++ 1.5%
1.5 8th Feb Combinations Performance Analysis 1.5%
2A 15th Feb Implementing a stack ADT with templates Bag, Stack, and Queue ADTs 1.5%
2B 22th Feb Implementing a smack stack ADT Bag, Stack, and Queue ADTs 1.5%
3 29th Feb Counting words Linked Lists 1.5%
4 7th March Preorder tree traversal The Tree ADT 1.5%
5 21st March Reading Prefix Expressions Binary Trees 2.0%
6 4th April Breadth First Search Graph Algorithms 1.5%
7 11th April Minimal Cost Spanning Trees Graph Algorithms 2.5%
8 18th April Topological Order Graph Algorithms 1.5%
9 26th April Hashing Course Codes Static Hashing 1.5%