Project Five Easy Programs

by: burt rosenberg
at: university of miami
date: jan 2022
    my_strlen - calculate the length of a string
    my_strcat, my_strncat - concatenate two strings
    my_atoi - convert a string to an integer
    my_strtok- extract tokens from strings
    Versions of the standard programs.

    See the man pages for the programs. You are to implement this from scratch, not
    using any other functions.
    The function my_strok will use a static variable inside the function.

    Compared to the standard for atoi, does not have to work correctly on a 
    string that does not begin with a digit, a - or a +.
    The project name is questionable - my_strtok might not be so easy.

    Introduced in csc424.222.


The goals of this project are:


Programming is to be done on your AWS instance. The program will most likely run on any computer, but this is a good time to get used to working with AWS.

Do not use any of the functions from the string.h library. You are to write these functions, as an exercise in C, AWS, svn, and also to exercise your understanding of the representation of strings in C.

The process of doing csc424 projects is that you have template files in the read-only class folder, that you copy to your folder. You will not be able to commit any changes to the repository except under your own folder.

There is always a Makefile that give the build and test process for the project. Other files include a dot-ref file, which is the output of the project when run in the basic test.

For this project, implement the functions in my-string.c. Avoid changing my-string.h. The program proj1.c is appropriate for the basic test, however this does not include any extended test. You will have to modify proj1.c to test more.

Here are some suggestions for tests:

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

author: burton rosenberg
created: 21 jan 2022
update: 23 jan 2022