Laboratory Tasks

The lab tasks are due at 8am on the Monday morning of the due date. When you (think you) have completed a lab task, submit the solution files in Blackboard (later in the semester you'll be submitting in GitHub!).

Answers will be posted in some cases.

Lab Task Due Task Section Value
14 1st May Signals and Processes UNIX Signals 2.0%
13 24th April File Status UNIX File Systems 2.0%
12 18th April Threads UNIX Threads 2.0%
11 14th April UNIX Processes UNIX Processes 2.0%
10 3rd April Make and GitHub Build control, Revision control 2.0%
9 27th March Strings and Files Strings, Files
8 22nd March Arrays and Structures Arrays, Structures
7 13th March Pointers, Structs, Memory Pointers, Memory, Structured Data 2.0%
6 6th March BitOps, Arrays, Pointers Control, Arrays, Pointers 2.0%
5 27th February C Data Program Structure, Data
4 20th February Introduction to C Tutorial Introduction to C
3 13th February Mastery UNIX Tools and Tricks 2.0%
2 6th February File System File System 3.0%
1 30th January Simple UNIX Introduction to Shells, Welcome to UNIX 2.0%