Laboratory Tasks

Each week's lab work has three components: The zyBook exercises are graded automatically within zyBook.

The lab tasks are due by the end of your lab session in the week indicated. When you (think you) have completed a lab task, tell the teaching assistant and it will be assessed. You will receive feedback, and if your work is not perfect you can improve it and resubmit (by the end of the lab session). If you do not tell the teaching assistant then your lab task will not be assessed. You may not submit by email, or any other way. You must physically attend the lab and see a TA. If you have a documented reason for not attending lab, we'll make a Zoom plan - it requires my permission - TAs cannot approve that.

When doing lab tasks you may not use any programing techniques or constructs other than what has been taught in the course up to that point. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know you might know more, or have found answers from other sources that use more advanced techniques. You have to learn to use basic constructs correctly, because that will make you a better programmer in the long term. You are welcome to use AI-tools to help you program, but beware, the programs generated by AI-tools often do not meet the requirements of CSC120, e.g., they might use programing techniques or constructs other than what has been taught in the course up to that point. Your work must also demonstrate the required Programming Style, and AI-generated code often is nasty nasty nasty.

Answers will be posted in some cases.

Lab Task Week Task Value zyBook
15 22nd April Recursive Reversal
You can submit the project
14 29th April Locating Things 2.0%
13 15th April Lighting up the Stage 3.0% Participation 15, Challenge 15
12 8th April Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend 3.0% Challenge 13, Participation 14, Challenge 14
11 1st April Integers are Exceptional 2.0% Participation 12, Participation 13
10 25th March Helping the DCF 2.0% Participation 11, Challenge 11
9 18th March Fluid Particles
Submit the project
2.0% Participation 10, Challenge 10
8 4th March I Think Therefore I Am 1.0% Challenge 9
7 4th March Kindle Reader 1.0% Challenge 9
6 26th February Debug and Deposit 2.0% Participation 8 & 9, Challenge 8
5 19th February Fascinating Numbers 2.0% Participation 7, Challenge 7
4 12th February Tax Time with King Geoff 2.0% Participation 5&6, Challenge 5&6
3 5th February Nitrox SCUBA 2.0% Participation 4, Challenge 4
2 29th January Killing Kangaroos 2.0% Participation 3, Challenge 3
1 22nd January Fixing a Buggy Program 1.0% Participation 2, Challenge 2
0 15th January IntelliJ (in lab on 22nd) 1.0% Participation 1, Challenge 1