Automated Theorem Proving: Course Content
White Board
What is ATP?
ATP, What is it Good For?
What ATP Systems are Successful?
What is ATP - the Logical Consequence
TPTP World
TPTP World Logics
Propositional Logic I -
The Language
Play in the
TPTP World
1st Order Logic -
The Language
Play in the
TPTP World
Typed 1st Order Logic -
The Language
Play in the
TPTP World
Typed 1st Order Logic with Arithmetic -
The Language
Play in the
TPTP World
Some Stronger Logics, by examples
Play in the
TPTP World
Naval Challenge
Using ATP Systems in the TPTP World
Writing TPTP Problems
Playing in the
TPTP World
The ATP Process
Get practice with
Exercises in 1st order logic
Exercises in typed 1st order logic
Examples and a Challenge
for the ATP Process
Reality of ATP in the
TPTP World
The Principles Behind the Practice
Logical Consequence
Logical Consequence by Truth Tables