Presentation Schedule

Systems Session 1: Sunday 4th, 14:00-15:30
14:00-15:00 Invited Talk: TBA
Andrei Voronkov
15:00-15:30 Darwin: A Theorem Prover for the Model Evolution Calculus
Peter Baumgartner, Alexander Fuchs, Cesare Tinelli

Systems Session 2: Sunday 4th, 16:00-17:30
16:00-16:30 Simple and Efficient Clause Subsumption with Feature Vector Indexing
Stephan Schulz
16:30-17:00 Things to Know when Implementing LPO
Bernd Löchner
17:00-17:30 Systems Panel: Why do so few Theories have Empirically Successful Implementations - do Theories need APIs?
Stephan Schulz (Chair), Franz Baader, William McCune

Applications Session 1: Monday 5th, 09:00-10:30
09:00-10:00 Invited Talk: Automated Reasoning in Perfect Developer
David Crocker
10:00-10:30 An Empirical Evaluation of Automated Theorem Provers in Software Certification
Ewen Denney, Bernd Fischer, Johann Schumann

Applications Session 2: Monday 5th, 11:00-12:30
11:00-11:30 MoMM - Fast Interreduction and Retrieval in Large Libraries of Formalized Mathematics
Josef Urban
11:30-12:00 Milestones for Automated Reasoning
Larry Wos
12:00-12:30 Applications Panel: Applications Developers' Wish Lists (for ATP)
Simon Colton (Chair), David Crocker, Bernd Fischer

Demonstrations Session 1: Monday 5th, 14:00-15:30
14:00-14:30 Otter-lambda, a Theorem Prover with Untyped Lambda Unification
Michael Beeson
14:30-15:00 Active Logic for More Effective Commonsense Reasoning
Michael Anderson, Darsana Josyula, Don Perlis, Khemdut Purang
15:00-15:30 Automated Theorem Provers in Software Certification
Johannes Schumann, Ewen Denney, Bernd Fischer

Demonstrations Session 2: Monday 5th, 16:00-17:30
16:00-17:00 ETPS Educational Theorem Proving System
Peter B. Andrews
17:00-17:30 TBA