University of Miami
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Graduate Programs in Computer Science

25 March 1997

Master of Science in Computer Science

Each program must include both theoretical and experimental topics. Recommended subjests in clude: Operating Systems, Programming Languages, Analysis of Algorithms, Theory of Computation, Computer Architeture, Software Development. The approval is by the Computer Science Committee and the Department Chairman or designate. Programs may thus be individually tailored to meet varied backgrounds and objectives.

It is recognized that there are individuals with undergraduate degrees in other fields wishing to pursue graduate work in Computer Science, and other individuals with work experience in the field wishing to advance their formal training in Computer Science.

The Computer Science Course Summary lists courses which may be considered for approval in completeting the requirements for a degree. The basic guidelines for approval of a student's program are recommendations appearing in the Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, the professional society in Computer Science. The courses in the Summary are grouped according to ACM categories. (See also the full list of Graduate Courses offered by the department.)