Adversary Models Public/Private

by: burt rosenberg
at: university of miami
date: oct 2019

In approaching this material ...

If mathematics is a body of knowledge, then logic is its illness. –burt

Mathematics is congenitally incapable of embarrassment. –burt

Notation, and the numbers for definitions, theorems and constructions from the 2nd edition of Katz and Lindell, Introduction to Modern Cryptography.

Private Key

       PrivKCCA (Def 3.33)
          |  a maleable encryption
       PrivKLR-cpa (Def 3.23)
          |  no gap: ⊢ Thm 3.24
       PrivKCPA (Def 3.22)
          |  gap: E_k(m) = [r,m+E_k(r),E_k(~r)] ? 
          |      Query E_k(~r) = [r',~r+E_k(~r),E_k(r)], 
          |      use E_k(r) to go back to previous    
          |  note: attack must be adaptive
       PrivKmult (Def 3.19)
          |  gap: ⊢ Thm 3.21 (stateless and deterministic)
       PrivKeav (Def 3.8)
          |   pseudorandom function
       Perfect secrecy
            ex: Vernon Cipher

Public Key

        PPT Gen, Enc and Dec such that:
            Gen(1n) ⇒ (pk,sk)
            Enc(pk,m) ⇒ c
            Dec(sk,c) ⇒ m
        * Correctness: 
             Pr[ { (pk,sk)⇐Gen | Dec∘Enc is the identity } ] > 1 - negl(n)
        * Dec can be deterministic
          |  E_pk(m) = [E_pk(r),r+m]
          |  no gap
          |  no gap
          |  no gap
       Perfect secrecy
             not possible
             try Gen until (pk,sk) appears


       KEM/DEM          KEM         DEM
       by Cons. 11.10
        PubKCCA         KEMCCA  ⟺  PrivKCCA      ⊢ Thm 11.14
          |              |           |
          |              |           |
          |              |           |
        PubKCPA         KEMCPA  ⟺  PrivKeav      ⊢ Thm 11.12

Dig Sig

        Digital Signature
        PPT Gen, Sign and Vrfy such that:
            Gen(1n) ⇒ (pk,sk)
            Sign(sk,m) ⇒ σ
            Vrfy(pk,m,σ) a predicate
        * Correctness: 
             Pr[ { (pk,sk) ⇐ Gen(n) | Vrfy(pk,m,Sign(sk,m)) } ] > 1 - negli(n)
        * Vrfy can be deterministic.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

author: burton rosenberg
created: 26 oct 2019
update: 27 oct 2019