Confederate Cipher Disc

Coding Vigenere

by: burt rosenberg
at: university of miami
date: aug 2021
SYNOPSIS [-dv] key
DESCRIPTION encrypts or decrypts stdin to stdout using a viginere cipher and the given
    key. The key is alphabetic, lowercase, with "a" representing 0 shift, and "z" a 
    shift of 25. When decrypting, "z" is be a shift of -25. Any non-alphabetic characters
    in stdin are discarded, and lower and upper case letters are considered identical.
    Output ciphertext as capital letters, and plaintext as little letters. Use a traditional
    grouping of 5 letters pair group separated by one space, and 5 groups per line. See
    the shiftcipher program for an example.

    -d decrypt
    -v verbose


There are several practical skills to learn in this project:

Copy the template, test and Makefile from [repo]/class/proj1 directory to your folder, with the same folder and file names. The cp -r copy command will do that. The use svn add proj1 to start tracking all the files in the proj1 director, then

to commit to the svn repository.

The modify the program so that it runs the tests in the Makefile without error.

You can commit files in your folder whenever you wish to back up your work. However, when done, make a final commit.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

author: burton rosenberg
created: 21 jan 2018
update: 24 aug 2021