Mr. Peabody and Sherman

Project Hello World

by: burt rosenberg
at: university of miami
date: aug 2022


The goals of this project are to familiarize yourself with the software tools to be used in this course, and to run your first Cuda program.

Specific steps

By now you should have,
  1. Found the class home page.
  2. Enrolled in the minicourse slack and gone to the class slack channel.
  3. Received your credentials, in the form of _caneid_-411 with password, to the department's computers.
To complete this project, you are to do,
  1. If you do not have a github account, create a github account.
  2. Receive the invite to the assignment; it will be a URL to the github service.
  3. Accept the assignment. The first time you accept an assignment, you will associate your Github class invites to a github account.
  4. Use your class credentials to log into a lab machine.
  5. Clone the github repository for the assignment onto the bromeliad machine. The bromeliad's and johnston share home directories. You can do the clone on any bromeliad or johnston. It's all the same.
  6. Complete the assignment, and git add, commit, and push, by the due date.


The class template is at github/csc-courses/accelerate.

By responding to the invitation, git will use this as a template, creating a new repository, in your github account, whose rights are shared with me and other instructors of the course, and made private. Work in that repository.

You clone this into your homedir. The proj1 directory has a Makefile that should provided you guidance about what you are to accomplish. Usually there is a test target and clean target, that directly speak to what should be the product of the project. In this case, it is the file hello.out, a capture of the output of the hello executable, that is created by compiling the CUDA program.

You have only to run it. This project does not need you to write any code. The project is about walking you through the software tools and procedures to be used in the couse.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

author: burton rosenberg
created: 28 aug 2022
update: 31 aug 2022