Micro Paxos Project

by: burt rosenberg
at: university of miami


Consensus is the act of achieving agreement on facts among a collection of running programs.

Consensus can be achieved by have a well-known master machine that is the unique arbiter of fact. All other machines are clients that submit facts to the master and receive the consensus result from the master. The relative value of the facts is not at issue, just that there be agreement.

However, there are reasons to reject such a centralized mechanism for consensus. Paxos is one of the oldest and most known algorithm for achieving consensus in a distributed manner. A pool of machines, called the Acceptors, are proposed facts by the Proposers. The Proposers go through two rounds of messaging with the Acceptors, exiting each round once it has received responses from a majority (in general, a quorum) of Acceptors. In this version, the Proposers are also Learners, they learn when a consensus is reached and they learn the consensus value.

The consensus problem is impossible to solve in full generality, so consensus algorithms look for ways to introduce a little slack. For Paxos, it is always correct when it does come to consensus, but Proposers might need to take a few attempts at consensus.

Man Page

    mu-paxos -p port-number -t time-out
    mu-paxos -p port-number -t time-out -r rounds -s acceptor acceptor ... acceptor value
   The first form starts an Acceptor. The Acceptor loops forever or until
   the optional timeout. There are no arguments in the Acceptor form of the command.

   The second form starts a Proposer/Learner. All Proposers will propose the 
   values provided on the command line to all those acceptors provided on the 
   command line, and will continue with the Paxos protocol to reach consensus.

   When a Proposer learns that consensus has been reached, the Proposer prints
   the consensus value and exits.

    -p the port the server listens (is listening) on, the default is 3333
    -r the number of rounds until failure, for the proposer/learner, the default is 5.
    -s snooze. default 0, add 1 second for each option; inserts random delays to exercise the protocol.
    -t timeout. Default is no timeout.
    -v Verbose. Helpful debugging output to stdout.

    The standard implementation will use Reject messages rather than timeouts.
    The implementation uses time for the proposal number, hence proposal numbers might not be unique.
    First introduced in Spring 2023.

    16 April 2023	

Description of Paxos

The program is of client-server form, where there are multiple clients and multiple servers.

The clients suggest values to the servers, and the servers agree on those values and report the agreement back to the client. This is done in two phases: The Prepare/Promise phase and the Accept/Accepted phase. The clients are called Proposers or Listeners, depending on whether they are proposing values or learning the consensus value. The servers are called Acceptors.

The phases are not synchronous. Each Proposer transitions from a phase when it has heard responses form a majority of Acceptors. The Acceptors maintain a state that transitions phases as well, but will receive propositions are any time.

The Prepared/Promise Phase
For the Proposer, this phase queries over a majority of the Acceptors for what proposals they have seen what proposals they have agreed to. For the Acceptor, this phase tracks forward the proposal number it can agree, and reports if it has already agreed to a proposal.
The Accept/Accepted Phase
For the Proposer, this phase informs the Acceptors of what other Acceptors have agreed to, or suggests a value for consensus if no Acceptor that it queries has just agreed to a value. For the Acceptor, this phase seals a proposal, if there are no other proposals still viable. At this point the Acceptor commits to a value. For the Proposer acting in its role as Learner, when it gathers a majority of Accepted messages from the Acceptors, it knows that consensus has been reached and knows the value agreed upon.

Packet Formats

Prepare: OP == 1

    |    OP   |  proposal number  | 

Promise: OP == 2 (if no value accepted)

    |    OP   |  proposal number  | 

Promise: OP == 2 (if a value accepted)

    +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+- ... -+----+
    |    OP   |  proposal number  |  promised number  |      value      |
    +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+- ... -+----+

Accept: OP == 3

    +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+- ... -+----+
    |    OP   |  proposal number  |      value      |
    +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+- ... -+----+

Accepted: OP == 4

    |    OP   |  proposal number  | 

Reject: OP == 5

    |    OP   |  proposal number  | 

- OP is a 2 byte unsigned integer.
- Proposal  numbers are 4 bytes unsigned integer.
- Values are null-terminated ascii strings.
- The empty value is the empty string, regardless of proposal number.
- All values are in network byte order

The micro-Paxos Algorithm

      Receive value from input
         0) Set proposal number n equal to the unix time
            Set m:v to 0:value
         1) Send Prepare packets with proposal number n
         2) Wait for a majority of Promise packets
            a) For each Promise packet if m'>m then m:v is set to m':v'
            b) If Reject packet, abort/move to next round.
            c) If a majority set value to v 
            d) If no majority after timeout: abort/move to next round
         3) Send Accept packets with value
         4) Wait for a majority of Accepted packets
            a) If Reject packet, abort/move to next round.
            b) If majority break loop
            c) If no majority after timeout: abort/move to next round.
      Print value and exit

      set proposal number n to 0
      set accepted value to NONE
      1) If received a Prepare for proposal n':
         a) if n'<n: send Reject
         b) else:
            i)  set n to n'
            ii) send Promise packet with stating proposal n, and the current accepted value, if any
      2) If received an Accept for proposal n' and value v:
         a) if n'<n: send Reject
         b) else set accepted value to n':v
         c) and send Accepted packet
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Author: Burton Rosenberg
Created: 11 April 2023
Last Update: 16 April 2023