Stack Hopping

by: burt rosenberg
at: university of miami
date: sep 2021


Date out: 10 Sep 2021
Date due: 17 Sep 2021

In this quiz you will investigate how functions are called and how local variables
are allocated. You will investigate:

- How the paramaters are placed on the stack.
- How local variables of storage type "automatic" are allocated on the stack.
- How the return address of the calling program is on the stack.
- How a base pointer chains together nested stack frames.

He goal is to "stack-hop". Standard calls push stack frames onto the stack as
calls are made, and pop them off as the functions return. All this information 
is on the stack, so it is possible (with a bit of ingenuity) to manipulate this
information using pointers.

--> In particular, we can arrange that we return not to the called, but to some other
--> function by replacing a return address with a starting address of that function.

Your quiz is to exam the output of the program simple-stack-trace.c, and thereby 
understand what location you need to overwrite with the alternate address.

Here are some things to look for:

- The local variables are on the stack, and then are the number 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and 0.
  You can look for these numbers.
- The base pointers are on the stack, and they are adresses on the stack forming a
  chain. You can look for values that are slightly larger than the address where the
  value is located, and going there, seeing if that number is also a stack address.
- The return addresses will be just above each base pointer and will be equal. Look
  for a repeated number, at a consistent number of locations above the base number.
How do you get your stack address? Use & on any local variable. Local variables are
automatic. That means they are on the stack. 

How do you move around the stack? With any luck stack elements are integer sized, so 
using an positive index on the pointer will point your to things higher (deeper) on 
the stack.

Inspiration? Dan Capps of NetApps sent me the program don_capps_stackslam.c. It 
works on some machines but not others. Architectures can vary on how they layout the
stack. While this particular program does not work on all architectures, it works 
on some.

You need to look at:

- The output of simple-stack-trace.c to puzzle out the stack arrangement on the
  machine you will attempt your stack-hop.
- Add one line to file stack-hopping.c to accomplish the trick.

- Look at sample-answer.txt for what a stack hop looks like.

- The Makefile has targets to organize your work.


  1996 Phrack article by Elias Levi, a.k.a. Aleph One.


  Chapter 6.
  Robert Morris and the first internet virus, used a stack smash, 1998.

 * stack hopping template
 * last-update:
*       9 sept 2021 -bjr: modified from stack-trace

#define DEPTH 6
#define AT_HOP 2

int h() {
        printf("stack hopped!\n") ;
        exit(0 ;

int f(int n) {
        int i = n ;
        printf("downwards:  %d\n",n) ;
        if ( n ) f(n-1) ;
        printf("upwards:  %d\n",n) ;
        //    hint: use "h" as a value, and "&i" as a pointer to 
        //          some place in the stack.
        return 0 ;

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
        f(DEPTH) ;
        return 0 ;
downwards:  6
downwards:  5
downwards:  4
downwards:  3
downwards:  2
downwards:  1
downwards:  0
upwards:  0
upwards:  1
upwards:  2
stack hopped!
make: *** [stack-hop] Segmentation fault: 11
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

author: burton rosenberg
created: 09 sep 2021
update: 09 sep 2021