One Ring to Rule them All

Ring Buffer Project

by: burt rosenberg
at: university of miami
date: sep 2021
    ringbuf -- implement the ring buffer
    ringbuf [-v] _commands_
    Creates a ring buffer of characters of default size 16 characters and applies the 
    enqueue/dequeue commands from string _commands_. The _commands_ string is understood 
    as follows: 
    For each character c in _commands_, in order, either:
        * if the character is a "-", dequeue a character from the ring buffer and 
          print it; print "empty" if there is no character to dequeue;
        * if the character is a "+", call each of the ioctl's and print the return
        * else enqueue the character c on the ring buffer and print c; print "full" 
          if c cannot be enqueued because the ring buffer is full.
    The following options are available:
    -v verbose output

    The output for enqueue must be the line "enq: _X_", where _X_ is the enqueued
    character or the word "full". The output for dequeue must be "deq: _X_", where _X_ is
    the dequeued character or the word "empty". The output for the ioctl query must be
    "ioc: _X_" where _X_ is the white-space separated result of each of the three ioctl calls, 

    If the input is unacceptable, the program will exit with usage message:

        usage: ringbuf [-v] _commands_

    Reworked in csc421.171 to unify application and kernel variants.
    Introduced in csc421.161 to prepare for the in-kernel ring buffer 
    Introduced in csc421.151 as a C warm-up.
    rb_enqueue, rb_dequeue, rb_ioctl - ringbuffer subroutines
    Implemented in ringbuf-sub.c.
    #include "ringbuf.h"

    #define RB_Q_SIZE 0
    #define RB_IS_EMPTY 1
    #define RB_IS_FULL 2
    #define RB_Q_COUNT 3

    int rb_ioctl(int op) ; 
    int rb_enqueue(int ele) ;
    int rb_dequeue(void) ;

    rb_enqueue takes a character argument ele and places it in the ringbuffer returning
    ele if successful; if the queue is full or other error return -1.

    rb_dequeue returns the dequeued element from the queue; if the queue is empty or 
    other error return -1.

    rb_ioctl performs the ioctl op and returns the result:

        RB_Q_SIZE: returns the size of the queue (always 16).
        RB_IS_EMPTY: return 1 if the queue is empty, 0 otherwise
        RB_IS_FULL: return 1 if the queue is full, 0 otherwise
        RB_Q_COUNT: return the number of items in the queue

    Note that ele is passed as an integer, but it is undefined if it is not in the
    range of an unsigned character, 0 through 255.

    Note that return character is an integer, but should either be the 
    integer -1 or in the range of an unsigned character, 0 through 255.


The goals of this project are:


There are five files in proj1. Templates are provided in class/proj1 to be copied to your proj1 directory.

The RingBuf Datastructure

The ring buffer structure is defined in the header file, along with function headers for the ring buffer operatins.

Header files are how C implements API's

It is important to note C does not, by default, initialize any variables. Many futuristic languages do. Some even have a separate value for non-initialized.

However, C does initialize static variables. By default they are zeroed. This can be taken into consideration in the design of a data structure, as we do here.

Besides the array holding the data of the ring buffer, this implementation of the ring buffer has three variables. The data structure invariant for these variables is,


	if rb.head != rb.tail then ring buffer is neither empty nor full
	if rb.head == rb.tail then the ring buffer is full if rb.is_full, otherwise empty
	if not full, rb.head is the index of the cell to write into 
	if not empty, rb.tail is the index of the cell to read from

Specific steps

  1. Check-out class/csc421.221 from
  2. Copy class/proj1 to [yourdirectory]/proj1; add and commit as "initial commit".
  3. Implement where marked in the ringbuf.c file and the ringbuf-sub.c file.
  4. Test against make test until you get correct behavoir.
  5. Consider additional tests that may be run.
  6. Commit for a grade by the due date.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

author: burton rosenberg
created: 08 sep 2015
update: 03 sep 2021