from The Java Programming Language

This is an example of socket programming in java taken verbatim from The Java Programming Language by Arnold, Gosling and Holmes (Addison-Wesley, 3-ird ed.).



Java provides the programmer with Objects which abstract the behavoir of software constructs. The construct of concern here is the socket. The socket is an end-point of communication. It is an invention of BSD Unix, one of their solutions to network communication.

Whatever a socket it is, a pair of them forms a communication channel across the internet, or even locally between two applications on the same machine. One socket is a server socket. It is created and does a passive listen on a port on the local machine. The other socket is a client socket. It is created and does an active connect, giving the machine name and port number where awaits a listening server socket. If there is a listening socket at the machine and port pair requested, a connection is established.

     client-socket                       server-socket (machine name, port)
Through this connection two streams of bytes can flow, one from client to server the other from server to client. Bytes are put into the stream by a write to the socket, and removed from the stream by a read from the socket.

The two most important classes of the package which provides the socket API to the Java programmer are (I quote from the API):