Da Rules 1. Do the reading before the lecture. Yes, before. 2. Attendance at lecture is required. If you have three unexcused absences, you will fail the course. To excuse an absence send email to vjm@cs.miami.edu as far in advance as possible or as soon afterwards as possible. 3. Read your course account email in your course account or have it forwarded to your private account (or both). 4. Send all non-private questions to csc527@mail.cs.miami.edu. 5. If you can, answer your classmates' questions. Make sure you cc your answer to csc527@mail.cs.miami.edu so the whole class can benefit and so you earn credit for helping. 6. Put ``csc527'' in the subject of all course-related email so we all can find these messages in the sea of spam. 7. For those of you also taking CSC 403, never email code. Just put it in your course account. The course instructor and assistants can access your account. 8. Help each other. You can sit down with someone while they are working, and you can discuss the assignments all you want, preferably via csc527@mail.cs.miami.edu so everyone can benefit. Just no copying.