The Ruby Immersion Project

Ruby Immersion
The F.A.Q.

A combined course & bootcamp for the development of software products using modern development tools and languages, in the context of the technology culture that informs, funds, and markets these products.

Who teaches this course, and where is it being held?

The course is taught by both Professor Rosenberg of the Computer Science Department of the University of Miami and by Wyncode instructors.

The first five weeks are mostly on the Coral Gables Campus of the University of Miami. We hope to have one day a week as at Lab Miami during this first section. The last two weeks are exclusively at the Lab Miami in the Wynwood section of Miami.

How do I register for this course, and how much does it cost?

You must register for the foundation and immersion components separately. Enroll in the UM course CSC 300 for summer 1, on canelink, as a UM student or continuing education student. Then go to the Wyncode site for their special registration page.

The cost is approximately 4 UM credits. Three are payable to UM and one to Wyncode. (The actually Wyncode fee is $1990).

Do I get UM credit for this course?

The three credits for CSC 300 are standard UM credits and will satisfy graduation requirements for a programming course, or a 300 elective for majors in computer science.

The one Wyncode credit immersion component will show on your UM transcript as 1 credit notation on your transcript. The student will be auto-enrolled in the Toppel Internship Program (TIP), a special UM program for bringing student's real-life experiences onto their transcripts. Unfortunately, these credits cannot count towards graduation.

What background do I need for this course?

The foundation portion of the course is designed to leverage the programming or computer science background of a typical 300-level computer science undergraduate. The immersion experience will likely be new to that student, and it is expected that the student has not had experience with the development demands of a coding boot camp.

For students with no programming background, we are considering a pre-program to bring such students up to speed during the 5 week on-campus experience.