Update history:


 * mini_fat_fuse
 *    a really simple fat file system using fuse
 * assume: 
 *    1- 1024 byte clusters
 *    2- cluster 0 is superblock and can be all zeros
 *    3- clusters 1-4 is the fat table of 1024 entries
 *    4- cluster 5 is the first cluster of the root directory
 *    5- root directory has no . or .. entries
 *    6- we do not support subdirectories
 *    7- fat table entry is simple: cluster 5 is the 5-th 
 *       entry of the fat table
 *    8- there are a total of 1024 clusters, of which the
 *       first 5 are metadata. The total disk size if 1019Ki
 *    9- the file system can be initialized to zero using:
 *       dd if=/dev/zero of=mini_fat.dmg bs=1024 count=1024
 *    A- files are one block long; don't use FAT table, just
 *       a next free cluster index in superblock; don't reclaim
 *       blocks on unlink
 *  Implementation:
 *    1- Implement the directory functions: readdir, getattr, open, create
 *    2- Implement unlink
 *    3- Implement write (use hexdump -C against fat.dmg file to debug)
 *    4- Implement read
 *    5- Further functions: truncate and utimens
 * How to continue:
 *    I would next implement multiple cluster files, modifying
 *    fat_read and fat_write, and introducing use of the FAT table.
 *    Truncate reimplementation can do all handing of adding and removing
 *    clusters to the cluster chain, so write can assume the file has
 *    enough clusters.
 *    I would leave multiple cluster directories and subdirectories
 *    for a third level of implementation. Even if you wrote it, how
 *    in a reasonable time frame would you test it?