Radius Authentication Server OTP Extension

by: burt rosenberg
at: university of miami


Radius Authentication Server Project

We follow on the Radius Server Project with an challenge-response extension that implements One Time Passwords

Specific Objectives

Man Page

    mini-radius [-vR -k shared-key -p port] -h host username password
    mini-radius [-vWR -k shared-key -p port] -h host username password-seed
    mini-radius [-vLR -k shared-key -p port] password-file
    mini-radius [-v -n num] password-seed
    The program runs as either client or server, depending on the whether the -h option
    is present. If server, the password-file is opened and the servers listens on the
    port of authentication requests. If client, the given username password is 
    authenticated to the server/port as given in the option, and YES or NO is 
    printed, according to the result.
    The protocol is described in RFC 2865, simplified for only password authentication.
    The access-request (code 1) packet sent by the client has two attributes, user-name
    (code 1) and user-password (code 2); and the response is either an access-accept 
    (code 2) or an access-reject (code 3).
    -k the shared key for encrypting, the default is pa55word0
    -p the port the server listens (is listening) on, the default is 1812
    -h the radius server hostname
    -v Verbose. Helpful debugging output to stdout. 
    -R no randomness. The stream of random bytes used by the program is 
       set to 1, 2, 3, ... 
    -L when run as a server, do not loop; answer one full request and terminate
    -W use OTP scheme for authentication.
    -n the option overrides the behavior and prints out the n-times iteration of the
       SHA-1 hash of the password-seed, formated as base 16 with characters 0-9, a-f.
    Username/Passwords are stored in file on the server. It is of the format
    where name and password are non-empty strings from (a-z, A-Z, 0-9)*. 
    For OTP Authentication, the password file is updated.    
    In addition to the Radius Server implementation, this version will be extended
    to support a form of one-time password. Let H be the SHA-1 hash-function. The
    user shall know the password seed s. The server shall store in the password file
    Hi(s), the i-th iterate of the seed hashed by H.

    1) The Access-Request will have the User-Name attribute.
    2) The server shall respond with an Access-Challenge, with the Reply-Message
    Attribute the current Hi(s) in its database, encoded in base 16 using the
    the character set 0-9, a-f.
    3) The client shall reissue the Access-Request, including the User-Name Attribute
    as the original request, and the User-Password Attribute the response Hi-1(s)
    to the challenge.
    4) The server issues an Access-Accept or Access-Reject.

    The server replaces Hi(s) by Hi-1(s) in the password database, 
    for the next authentication. The server does not know any hash pre-images, and must
    learn them from the client in the response.

    The client generates Hi-1(s) for whichever i requested, by hashing forward s 
    until a match with the challenge, then returning the previous value in the hash chain.
    Note: Per the RFC, the Reply-Message attribute is text, and the User-Password attribute
    is string encrypted per the RFC.
    The server will infer that OTP is requested by the client when it receives an 
    Access-Request with a User-Name Attribute but no User-Password Attribute. The server
    can remember the identifier for the next round of messages, or the server can infer
    from the length of the password attribute, 16 byte or 20 bytes, which method the
    client is requesting.
    The client will check an never respond to a challenge with either the raw password-seed,
    or its first hash. The client will impose reasonable limits on the largest number of
    iterations it will attempt in generating the response.	
    The OTP has not be subjected to a rigorous security analysis.

    First introduced in Spring 2017.
    The client hashes forward indefinitely. The server could maintain and send the 
    pair (pw,i) The client can check i for responableness, and that his)=pw,
    as proof that the server is a legitimate challenger. The presence of a whitespace 
    delimited password pair signals to the server to use OTP for verification. The
    length of the password attribute clearly signals the client's selected password
    verification method.

    26 April 2017

Detailed description

Please read the RFC carefully, including the discussion of text versus string for attributes, and which Attributes are required or forbidden in which messages.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Author: Burton Rosenberg
Created: 18 April 2017
Last Update: 26 April 2017