Packet Pass Around Project

by: burt rosenberg
at: university of miami

The luggage is a UDP packet;
the carrier an L2 frame for transport
This project will familiarize you with sockets and the IP/UDP communication protocol.

Specific Objectives

Man Page

   passaround --- listen for UDP packets and forward with reception host:port appended.
   passaround-test --- client for passaround. Sends a UDP packet.

   passaround [-vzd] [-D debuglevel] [-p listenport] host port
   passaround-test [-v] [-D debuglevel] [-c hopcount] host port


   Passaround listens on a port (-p option or default port) for UDP packets formated
   as a hopcount followed by an ASCII string. The ASCII string should be of the format 
   and records the packet's forwardings. The receiving host appends the host:port 
   information of from where the packet was received.
   The hopcount is decremented and unless the hop count is zero sends a UDP packet with
   the hopcount followed by the ASCII string to the host and port given in the command line.
   If not forwarded (hopcount is zero, or the -z flag is set), passaround prints out the ASCII 
   portion of the packet, after having appended the host:port information for the last hop.
   Passaround-test sends a single UDP packet to host:port with message "origin" and hopcount
   1 (or as given by the -c option) and exits.

   The hopcount is a 2 byte short in network endian order, and is the first 2 bytes of 
   the packet. The entire message is limited to 2048 bytes. No null character terminator 
   is sent for the ASCII string. 

  -z ignore hop count and print received UDP packet information, without forwarding.
     Else silently forward packet to host at port.
  -d deamon mode. After each UDP packet forward, return to listening for the next packet.
     If not in this mode, exit. 
  -v verbose
  -D debug level, takes an positive integer 0 (default) through [your choice].
  -p Port number to listen to for incoming packets. Default is 3333.

  host hostname to forward packet
  port port number on hostname to forward packet 



Detailed Directions

Copy the files from [class-repo]/class/proj2 into [class-repo]/[username]/proj2 directory, add, commit, make clean, make, make test.

The Makefile

Study the provided Makefile. No project is correct without a correct Makefile. The grader and I expect that we can:

svn update; make clean; make ; make test
Do not check in binaries or other build products! Points off for unnecessary stuff in the repo.

One line in the makefile has substituted with something odd. Part of the assignment is to have all targets in the makefile working properly.

You also have to add at least one original test case and test target. I left an empty my-test target for you.

The Competition

When the program is completed, we will have a competition for the longest pass around chain, with the winning team getting extra credit points. You all organize to create the chain of passaround servers. This is to exercise the idea of interoperability in network protocols. Your programs have to work not only with themselves, but with other implementations.

I will send a packet to the head of the chain from antietam and it should come back eventually to antietam, passing through a sequence of machines, once through each team member's server. It can all one team, for all I care.

As for hacking the chain — the intent is that the message is honestly appended. Hacks will be considered only if they are more intriguing than annoying.

The competition will begin at 7pm on Friday, February 27. Use:

   nohup ./passaround -d -p PORTNUMBER TO_HOST TO_PORT &
to start your code in a way that when you log out, it stays running in the background. Later, monday, come back and find your program with:
   ps aux | grep passaround
and kill it with kill -9 PID_OF_PASSROUND, or killall passaround.

Email me who is in your group, and the host names and port numbers where servers are listening. Indicate which is the first in the chain and I will send a packet there and listen on "antietam, port 9945" for the return.

Additional Notes

See the blog posting on access to the lab for how to use certificates to make using the lab machines easy.

Always put your name and date in the header comments of your code. I will consider that your promise to have sincerely contributed your own work to the project (although you can discuss and collaborate — the final product must be your own.)

Please be assiduous in naming of your files and directories. It should be [your-repo]/proj2, not [your-repo]/projects/proj2 or [your-repo]/Project-2.

This project is about 100 lines of code. If it takes up to 300 lines of code, that's probably normal. If you start hitting 500 lines of code, you might want to reconsider your approach. Here is the edited the output of wc run in the class directory ("before") and in a solutions directory ("after").

LOC beforeLOC afterFile
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Author: Burton Rosenberg
Created: February 3, 2015
Last Update: February 3, 2015